How to prevent
bacterial vaginosis

It is common for bacterial vaginosis (BV) to come back, even after effective treatment has resolved your symptoms.

Almost 1 in 4 women may experience recurrent bacterial vaginosis within 1 month of treatment, so it’s important to do everything you can to minimise the chances of this happening to you.

It may be tempting to try and be ‘over clean’ to avoid getting BV again, but this may have the opposite effect. It’s important to remember that BV occurs when your natural ‘good’ bacteria are killed off, which allows ‘bad’ bacteria to move in and cause BV.

Using harsh antibacterial soaps or douching (spraying water into the vagina) can actually increase the chances of getting BV by disrupting your normal, healthy bacteria.

Reduce the risk of recurrence by following these steps:

  • Clean yourself with mild soap and water (on the outside only – the vagina is self-cleaning)
  • Avoid fragranced products or bubble baths
  • Use unscented tampons or sanitary pads
  • Use condoms when having sex
  • Limit your number of new sexual partners
  • Using hormonal contraception may also lower the risk of BV

How does Fleurstat BVgel prevent BV?

Fleurstat BVgel prevents recurrent BV by forming a physical barrier that blocks the attachment of BV-causing bacteria to the vaginal lining.

If you experience recurrent BV (typically 3 or more episodes in a 12-month period), you can use Fleurstat BVgel when you don’t have symptoms to help prevent recurrent BV and its symptoms.

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Fleurstat BVGEL
A confident-looking lady having a conversation with a colleague in the office

Where can I buy Fleurstat BVgel for bacterial vaginosis?

Fleurstat BVgel is an over the counter BV treatment and is available from most leading pharmacies without prescription. A pharmacist must decide whether Fleurstat BVgel is right for you before you can purchase it.

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